TY - JOUR AU - Thakar, Keyur AU - Parikh, Kaushal AU - Chen, Yamei AU - Liu, Delong PY - 2014 TI - Isolated factor V deficiency in a patient with elevated PT and aPTT during routine pre-operative laboratory screening JF - Stem Cell Investigation; Vol 1, No 2 (February 2014): Stem Cell Investigation Y2 - 2014 KW - N2 - Isolated factor V (FV) deficiency is a rare disorder with approximately 150 cases reported in the literature since 1943. Bleeding symptoms from FV deficiency vary widely. FV deficiency usually manifests early in the life. We present a 59-year-old case with FV deficiency discovered during pre-operative laboratory screen. UR - https://sci.amegroups.org/article/view/3601