%0 Journal Article %T Cutaneous metastasis as an initial presentation of lung adenocarcinoma with KRAS mutation: a case report and literature review %A Liao, Huijuan %A Wu, Shenhong %A Karbowitz, Stephen R. %A Morgenstern, Nora %A Rose, David R. %J Stem Cell Investigation %D 2014 %B 2014 %9 %! Cutaneous metastasis as an initial presentation of lung adenocarcinoma with KRAS mutation: a case report and literature review %K %X Cutaneous metastasis as an initial presentation occurs in 0.8% of patients with internal malignancies, and is poorly understood in its molecular pathogenesis. We reported a case in which a 61-year-old male patient initially presented with rapidly growing skin nodule on his left chest wall, then developed dyspnea and loss of weight. Echocardiogram showed a large pericardial effusion with right ventricular collapse. PET/CT revealed moderate pleural effusion and multiple lymphadenopathies with hypermetabolic concentration of radiotracer in the lymph nodes as well as in the chest wall skin mass. Biopsy of the skin mass and pericardial/pleural fluids revealed metastatic adenocarcinoma consistent with lung primary with KRAS mutation. Palliative chemotherapy was administered without resulting in any improvement. This is the first case report to show that KRAS-mutant lung adenocarcinoma can be associated with cutaneous metastasis. %U https://sci.amegroups.org/article/view/3603 %V 1 %N 3 %P %@ 2313-0792